Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Matthews's Pick of the Month: Why?

This is a really cute book for the 4-to-8 year old set. Inside, questions, such as "Why do zebras have stripes?" are asked. Then several silly answers are given. The real answer is also provided.

Matt enjoyed the silly answers and we were able to make a game of it all. I asked the first question and Matt's response was "Because God made them that way". I then gave the first silly answer and asked if that's why God did it. Matt said "Nooooo". We proceeded that way through every silly answer until I gave the real answer when Matt very happily said "YES!"

The book is published by Kane/Miller, which distributes books from around the world. This book is from Slovenia.

Matt & Miss Stacey

Interested in more about Matt's Pick of the Month?
Click Here!


Sarah said...

Sounds like a cute one!

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