Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Find the Duck

When Matt was just a toddler, a friend was getting rid of some old books her children had outgrown and passed on "Find the Duck" to us.

I fell in love with the drawings and loved helping Matt find the little rubber duck on each page. At the back of the book there are additional characters for the child to find throughout the book. It also includes a page with some simple counting. I think it's a great book for the 1-year-old into kindergarten child. At an Usborne party I hosted a 6-year-old girl loved this book so much she wanted to get it for her little sister.

This was the book that introduced me to Usborne Books and Stephen Cartwright's illustrations. I love both now.

Click Here to get your own copy of "Find The Duck" from Miss Stacey's bookstore


Sarah said...

JD and Amy both love this book too! :)

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