It's a fantasy/mystery/ghost story that takes place in Japan. Hannah, an Australian girl, spends a winter in Japan living with a Japanese family.
Your child will learn a lot about Japan, without FEELING like they learning. I found her descriptions of the people, land, temples, etc. very beautiful and thorough without going on and on - which I often find annoying in books.
The book is narrated by Hannah and I thought Ms. Meehan wrote in a very authentic way - I FELT like a 12 year old was telling the story. I didn't want to put it down once I started and look forward to future novels by this author.
Once again this is a book published by Kane/Miller and I must say that all in all I have been impressed with their books.
I'm going to have a 10-year old girl I know read this and I will let you know what she thinks.
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